Submitting Photos

Please submit your photo's sooner rather than later at Please include your name, contact information and a brief explination of the photo (who, what, where ect.)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Touch of Fall

One of the best parts of this photo contest is the opportunity to meet others from within the community. Another is finding the gifts that hide within the people and giving them a platform from which they can display their talent. This “final garden” photo from John W. is another fine example of this. John does not yet have a website of his own to show his work, but I have been thrilled to post every photo he has sent in over the past few weeks. I have invited him and he has graciously agreed to allow the World Cup Glisan Café to host his first exhibit starting on July 10th, 2011. I (for one) am very much looking forward to this. Another great photo John, thank you!

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